his research is based on the phenomenon of wives working
abroad to help and replace their husband's role in earning a living for the
family by mutual agreement. However, when they were abroad, these wives
filed for divorce from their husbands for…
Studi ini bermaksud guna menggali pemahaman perihal proteksi hukum yang diperoleh untuk korban bisnis jual beli online, bagus dari pedagang maupun konsumen. Metode yang dipakai adalah penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu berfokus pada kajian penerapan…
Riset ditujukan untuk tujuan mengetahui akibat hukum atas penggunaan klausul kuasa mutlak pada Akta Jual-Beli yang diproduk PPAT. Riset ini memakai metode normatif yuridis dengan pendekatan perundang -undangan (statute approach) dan analisa secara…
he government's quick action in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in education, especially in early childhood, will significantly impact the nation's next generation. The success of character education in early childhood is the …
Poverty is a problem faced in all regions in Indonesia as well as in the Trenggalek district. To overcome this poverty problem, the Trenggalek district government has one breakthrough, namely by changing the paradigm from just a program to a poverty…
Micro-enterprises are one of the businesses that are also affected during this pandemic. In order to support the development of micro-enterprises and business actors, the Trenggalek district government, especially the Watulimo sub-district, launched…
Women who work as female workers from the start have already borne a double burden in their families. Apart from being given the task of carrying out domestic duties even though they are physically not at home, on the other hand they have to work to…
Devisa terbanyak bagi daerah disumbangkan oleh bidang pariwisata. Hal ini disebabkan karena Indonesia memiliki keanekaragaman Potensi wisata. Salah satunya di Tulungagung terdapat Pantai yang sudah dikenal oleh wisatawan dan wisatawan sudah banyak…